The Benefits of Vaping E-Liquids Over Smoking Regular Cigarettes - Inside Schizophrenia
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The Benefits of Vaping E-Liquids Over Smoking Regular Cigarettes

04 Feb The Benefits of Vaping E-Liquids Over Smoking Regular Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes, or E-cigs as they are popularly referred to as nowadays, are without a doubt the best alternatives for tobacco cigarettes. This is because of a number of reasons which I have taken the liberty of starting below:


No More Lingering Aromas

Unlike traditional tobacco cigarettes, E-cigs don’t have that nauseating ‘after smoke’ aroma that most smokers have to suffer from. Once you’ve done your vaping, you will always go back to interacting with the public without fear of making them uncomfortable in any given moment. This is actually a good thing especially if you want to keep your smoking a secret.


The Cost Factor

Well, it is a known fact that cigarette smoking is a very, very expensive habit. this is usually the case with all addictive habits such as excessive alcohol drinking and the ilk.


But when it comes to vaping, you will find that you are spending a much lesser amount while getting the same adrenaline rush that you’d get from smoking a cigarette which is quite incredible. You can get your hands on a really good E-cig from between $5-$40, all depending on the brand you are interested in going for.


You Won’t Have to Litter Ever Again

Another reason why electronic cigarettes are better than tobacco cigarettes is the fact that they don’t have fag ends. And due to this fact, you won’t have to litter the environment at any given moment. It is also important to note that the tobacco smoke always has a bad effect on the air around the smoker.


Thankfully, this isn’t usually the case with vaping. The person seated next to an e-cig smoker won’t be affected by the smell. Last but not least, electronic cigarettes have and will never start forest fires. Can’t say the same about the traditional cigarettes though.


You’ll Enjoy a Much Wider Variety

The thing about tobacco cigarettes is that they all taste and look the same. But that isn’t usually the case with electronic cigarettes since they do come in different shapes, sizes and most importantly, flavors. Just make sure you are checking out the different brands before making the actual purchase since they happen to be so many available on the market today.


Electronic Cigarettes Are Perfect for Breaking Tobacco Addiction

The fact that E-cigs don’t have nicotine, that one element that makes tobacco so addictive, makes them the perfect way to quit smoking. For starters, you’ll still get the ‘high’ just without the nicotine. And with time, you’ll become less dependent on smoking until you get to that point where the regular urges subside completely, leaving you a free man/woman.



In as much as electronic cigarettes are the better option when pitted against traditional cigarettes, you should always be on the lookout as far as the brand you want to buy is concerned. This is because the market is also flooded with sub-par brands that you need to avoid at all costs. You can do so by not only doing thorough research but also getting your hands on E-cigs that aren’t that cheap.

If you wanna find out how eliquid uk and vape juice is made, just check youtube, there are some very interesting videos out there:

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